Casual Leasing Terms & Conditions


Section 1 - Setup

a) On approval, your organization will be entitled to a display at the agreed cost on application.

b) Set up of any Site or Static Display must not commence until payment is received in full or proof of payment is provided directly to Centre Management. 

c) All Casual Lessee’s must report to Centre Management prior to the booking.

d) Set up is to commence no earlier than 8:00am and shall be completed no later than 9:00am.

e) Display take down will commence no earlier than 

5:30pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday;

7:30pm on Thursday 

4:00pm on Saturday

f) All signage / posters / table talkers etc for Static Leases must be delivered to Centre Management prior to the booking start date. These must only be installed by Centre Management Staff. 

Section 2 – Display

a) The display and signage must be of a professional quality and the Casual Lessee shall comply with all directions of Centre Management in relation thereto. 

b) Centre Management reserves the right to request that your display meets their standards. Failure to do so will result in immediate cancellation of your booking and instant removal of the display from the Centre. 

c) Centre Management can request a change in display set up at any given time if the display does not comply with all of these terms and conditions.

d) The Lessee is responsible for providing their own tables, table cloths, furniture and or any seating required. Dalby Shoppingworld does not provide these. 

e) All tables and trestles must be covered and display is of satisfactory standards. 

f) Items or boxes of packaging are not to be stowed in view of the public.

g) The Casual Lessee will be responsible for the display and area surrounding the display. 

h) The Casual Lessee must maintain direct control over all activities in the display space at all times. 

i) If the Casual Lease involves the display of any item with wheels (e.g. car, bike, wheelbarrow, trolleys) carpet or cardboard must be placed under the wheels to protect the floor.

j) Any damage to the floor as a result of Casual Lessee’s will be the responsibility of the Lessee to rectify at their cost.

k) It is the Casual Lessee’s responsibility to ensure all stock is secure or removed when site display is unattended. 

l) The lessor claims no responsibility to damaged, lost and or stolen goods at any time. 

Section 3 – Size & Location

a) Maximum height allowed for all displays is 2 metres.

b) Maximum area of display allowed per site as follows – 

C1 – 3m X 3m

C2 – 3m X 1m

C3 – 3m X 3m

C4 – 2m X 3m

C5 – 3m X 3m

C6 --- 5m X 8m

c) Centre Management reserves the right to request any stall exceeding the allowed area, to reduce to specified site size or surcharges may be applied to the booking. 

d) If you require a larger site than advertised, this must be discussed with Centre Management prior to confirming your booking. No exceptions. 

e) All static signage locations will be at full discretion of Centre Management. These may be moved at any time without notice. Reasons may include but not be limited to Seasonal decorations, Centre Promotions, Events & maintenance works. 

f) Centre Management may request temporary relocation of displays for maintenance and or emergency works at any time without notice.

g) Centre Management may at their absolute discretion relocate the display space to be used by the Casual Lessee at any time, to any time, to any place within the Centre or to terminate this agreement at any time without prior notice and the Casual Lessee disclaims any recourse in the event of such cancellation and agrees to cease operation of the display immediately upon being so directed by Centre Management. 

Section 4 – Customer Contact

a) No hawking or calling out to customers. 

b) No aggressive sales tactics are to be used.

c) No mega phones, audio equipment or flashing lights are to be used under any circumstances.

d) Harassment, rude behavior and or bad language will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Any Lessee’s displaying this behavior will be asked to leave immediately and result in cancellation of your booking.

e) Lessee’s displaying repeated poor behavior will result in no longer being able to Casual Lease at Dalby Shoppingworld.

f) Literature may be available for collection. However no literature may be handed out indiscriminately nor will any such literature be distributed in such a manner as to encourage littering within the Centre or Centre Car Parks. 

g) The seeking of potential customer details including name and address for sales and services to be concluded outside the licensed premises by the offering of an inducement such as a holiday or other prize is not permitted. 

h) All Casual Lessee Staff must make a concerted effort to discourage shop-stealing. Any theft must be reported to Police or Policelink.

Section 5 – OH&S

a) Any carpets, mats or temporary flooring must be safe along the edges with no tripping hazards. 

b) No tape is to be used on the Centre floors. (This can damage the seal coat on removal and you may be charged in full for damages)

c) Any power cords or double adapters are to be unreachable by the public at all times. 

d) It is the responsibility of the Lessee to provide trip hazard guards for any cords and leads in use. 

e) Sharp objects or protrusions are not permitted. 

f) Open flames are not permitted (E.g. Candles, lighters etc)

g) No hazardous materials or chemicals are to be brought in to the Centre.

h) No structures potentially dangerous to the public are to be used.

i) The Lessee will keep the display space clean and not affix any advertising or promotional sign or material to any surface of the Centre in any manner without prior consent from Centre Management. 

Section 6 – Insurance

a) A copy of your $20,000,000 Public Liability Insurance is required and must be provided prior to the booking start date. The policy must show: situation (either QLD or Australia wide); expiry date; amount insured for and organization covered by the policy.

b) The Lessee will be denied access if the Casual Lessee’s Public Liability has not been received at least 1 business day prior to the booking start date. 

c) If booking is cancelled by Centre Management as a result of Lessee not being able to provide Public Liability Insurance, the Lessee understands that any monies paid for booking will be forfeited. 

Section 7 – Indemnity

a) The Casual Lessee shall and does hereby indemnify Dalby Shoppingworld & McConaghy Shopping Centres PTY LTD and all the Retailers of the Centre from all loses & claims actions. Damages and expenses which may be incurred in relation to loss of life, personal injury and or damage to property arising out of any act, neglect or default by the Casual Lessee, its servants, agents employees and contractors or out of the use of the display space or any part thereof by the Casual Lessee.

Section 8 – Payment

a) In consideration for the above display, the Casual Lessee will pay Dalby Shoppingworld the sum of site fee which will be made as follows:      By EFT (with reference of your invoice as detailed on your invoice)

b) Payment must be received in full, no less than 2 business days prior to booking start date.

c) If payment is not visible to Dalby Shoppingworld accounts, proof of payment is required prior to commencing display set up.

Section 9 – Cancellations & Changes

a) All cancellations and changes to your application are to be confirmed in writing. This must be received 2 weeks prior to your start date.

b) If written cancellation is not received within the 2 week period, the Lessee may be required to pay full payment of invoice. 

c) All changes to confirmed bookings will incur a $50 administration fee. This includes but is not limited to changes in dates, site locations and length of bookings. 

d) Casual Lessee’s are not permitted to relocate from approved site location on or after arrival until any difference in site fees, plus any applicable administration fees have been paid in full. Proof of payment must be provided to Centre Management before relocation is authorized.

e) The Lessee understands that no credit, reimbursement or refund will be issued when requesting to relocate to a lower costed site after confirmation of booking. Administration fees for change of confirmed booking will still apply. 

Section 10 - Parking

All staff actively working at any Casual Lease Display / Stall including owners, must park in the Dalby Shoppingworld designated staff parking area. Staff areas are located in the undercover car park. A map will be provided to the listed Casual Lessee contact person on distribution of bump in pack. 

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